Articles — Furniture
Stylish uses of modular storage shelving in your home or office
Although it may sound incredibly high tech, modular storage shelving couldn’t be further from it. Modular shelving is essentially shelving that can be moved around to suit your needs - think of it as shelving building blocks.It may be a bit of an odd concept to get your head around, but once you take a look at some the uses that you could get from our modular storage shelving, you’ll be dying to get some of your own.
Mattress Buying Guide – What to look for in a mattress
Did you know that the average human will spend about a third of their life asleep or in bed? With this in mind, we think it’s fair to say that purchasing the perfect mattress for your needs is crucial.To get you closer to having the best night’s sleep of your life, we’ve devised this handy little mattress buying guide- although we must advise that the ideal mattress for you may vary depending on personal preferences, health conditions, or various other factors.
Bar Stool Buying Guide – How to choose the right bar stool
Bar stools are always a welcome addition to the likes of kitchens, games rooms and outdoor areas. However, going out and buying some isn’t always the right thing to do. Instead, there are a few things that you should consider – no matter how prepared you think you are.To ensure that you have a new set of bar stools in your home as soon as possible, you may benefit from our handy little buying guide, detailing a few things to think about before you get shopping.
In no particular order, here are a few things you may want to ponder when buying bar stools.
Bed Frame Buying Guide: What to look for in a bed frame
Bed frames are one of the most underrated parts of the bedroom. We don’t tend to think about them much, but without them, we would struggle to clean underneath and around our beds, would have a mattress that was a breeding ground for bacteria and dust, and would be more likely to wake up in the middle of the night with a spider next to our face!With all of this in mind, we think deciding whether or not to purchase a bed frame is a bit of a no-brainer.